Empowering All Emerging Artists With New Art Contest
RiverValley Behavioral Health's Youth Art Contest brings attention to Mental Health Awareness Month. Students are encouraged to create a visual art piece to bring awareness and hope to the community. Here's what's at stake and how to enter.
I've always loved to draw and was blessed to be in honors art programs in school. It was my minor in college because I loved it so much. I volunteered for two years as a crisis counselor in Michigan while I was in school because sociology was my major. This is my kind of contest, and I think you'll love it too! I think this is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn more about mental health and to break down the stigma surrounding it. National Mental Health Awareness Month in May is your chance to shine a light on what we can all do together to strengthen our own mental health. And, to be there for someone that needs us. We already know the folks at RiverValley Behavioral Health are just a phone call away. You're not alone. You'll never be alone in this fight.

RiverValley Behavioral Health Mission
"RiverValley Behavioral Health currently hosts over 21 Kentucky-based programs that include in-patient and out-patient services for those with mental health, developmental and intellectual disabilities (DD/ID), alcohol and drug addictions, prevention, recovery, and treatment.RiverValley Behavioral Health services are specifically developed to meet the unique, growing behavioral health needs of the communities we serve. We provide services in the following counties: Daviess, Henderson, Ohio, Union, McLean, Hancock, and Webster."
"RiverValley offers a wide variety of services for individuals and families experiencing behavioral health challenges. We are here to encourage and support you.
To schedule an appointment with a therapist, please call 270-689-6690 or 1-800-769-4920 for TDD/Hearing Impaired.
If you are in crisis and this is a non-medical emergency, please call or text our Crisis Line at 800-433-7291."
RiverValley Behavioral Health 2nd Annual Art Contest
RiverValley Behavioral Health wants to help raise awareness of those dealing with mental health issues in a fun way of giving back. K-6, 7-12, College:18-24 artists can create a piece of art with the chance to win $500 (winners in each division) and a matching contribution to their school/local nonprofit youth organization. The school/local nonprofit youth organization with the most entries will be awarded $1000. The artwork should focus on raising awareness about mental health. What a beautiful way to give back to the community and your peers. The deadline to submit is May 20th, 2022.
Mental Health Art Contest Application
RiverValley Behavioral Health is Hiring
Meet the RiverValley Behavioral Health Team
I'll be judging again this year, and I can't wait to see what inspires you!