I find Facebook to be ridiculous. This past Friday, Facebook had a hiccup and went offline for 19 minutes.  Nineteen minutes can apparently make people freak out.  Enough so that some Facebook users in California CALLED 911 seeking help.  There are people in Toledo that have been without water for 3 days, a group of militants shooting planes out of the sky, mudslides blocking towns and Tiger Woods hurt his back again and people are worried about a website.

Back in college I bought my first laptop and figured in my time of leisure it would be fun to have a Facebook page to stay in line with whats going on outside of my house.  I was a Facebook user and enjoyed people saying "I'll put it on the book" or "Check out my status."  If someone said that to me now I would say "No... just tell me what it says."  I promise this isn't some sort of "Facebookaholic Anonymous" seminar.

Timothy Wilson is a psychologist and he was doing quiet research on college students.  He learned how crazy they are first but as time went on he started to realize why they were so crazy.  They were crazy because they didn't have their phone's with them.  “One would think we could spend the time mentally entertaining ourselves,” he said. “But we can’t. We’ve forgotten how.”   We have forgotten how to the point that we call 911 seeking help.

Facebook isn't hurting for cash.  Facebook INC. is in second place for biggest internet corporation in the world right behind Google.  So big in fact that they make over $22,000 PER MINUTE.  So when they go offline for 19 minutes they lose right around $426,600 in advertising revenue.  I guess it's a good thing that they are worth 104 Billion dollars. That's 0.00041% of all the money Facebook is worth.

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