Series finales can be polarizing. Too many end with far too many loose ends. 'Downton Abbey' didn't end this way. It ended as perfect as the table setting for a grand tributary. I think a little too perfect.

So my Mom decided to make scones and tea for our series finale viewing. My sister came over in her U of L pajamas. The scones were delicious, they were infused with dried cherries and orange zest, with an orange glaze on top. We drank Earl Grey tea with all the fixings. I had no idea the finale was going to be two hours long. I understand why, there were lots of loose ends to tie up.

No spoilers obviously, but everything was resolved. One character got her ultimate happiness, a wedding which ended in her actually getting married this time. Another character started to experience shaking in his hands, thus he decided to step down from the downstairs staff. However, I was left with a feeling of dissatisfaction. I thought for sure, no matter how big or how small, there would be a wrench thrown in to at least one of the story lines. I got nothing. It's like when Tony Soprano sat down with his family in that diner in the finale, and we heard a door open, then the screen goes black.

My point is, should series finales be a tad bit open-ended? Or should they always tie up the loose ends? I say a little open-ended, because these characters I have invested so much time in, they will gone on, and it might be a ride off into the proverbial sunset. Then I realize, these people are not real, it's TV!

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