Florida Georgia Line announced the dates –without cities or locations—of their Here's to the Good Times Tour last week, with only one city and location confirmed. As Chad and discussed Wednesday, that one announced date was October 19 at the Whitaker Bank Ballpark in Lexington. Whoa, well Friday showed it's gonna be a huge tour since all 10,718 tickets sold out in a record-breaking 23 minutes after going on sale!!

Kentucky fans are ready to get their 'Cruise' on and have a good time with the boys, who said in response, "This is unreal! Our fans continue to blow us away with their passion for our music and loyalty. We see how they are literally changing our lives every day,” said Brian Kelley upon hearing the news. His bandmate Tyler Hubbard added, "The fact that we sold over 10,000 tickets in a matter of minutes leaves me speechless. We can’t thank our Kentucky fans enough for their support and will bringing the party to Lexington!"

Show producer Michael Jordan told tasteofcountry.com, "This is the fastest sellout in Whitaker Bank Ballpark history!"

Colt Ford and Tyler Farr will open the show.

The rest of the information for the 32-city tour will be released on Monday. You'd better act fast, since it's apparent the "Here's to the Good Times" Tour will be one hot ticket!!

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