Foxes Make Alarming Noises This Time of Year in Rural Kentucky, But It’s to Be Expected
Recently, when we had one of those massive "super moons," we were out back enjoying a clear night and the moonlight...AND being serenaded by coyotes, which, in turn, triggered the neighborhood dogs.
It was almost like a Disney musical. And as long as those coyote howls kept their distance, I had no issues. None at all, as a matter of fact; I enjoy it. But coyote howls are not abnormal, nor are they alarming (unless, of course, they sound like they're coming from under your bedroom window).
But not all members of the animal kingdom that call rural Kentucky home have sounds to which we have become accustomed. For example, I don't know what a bobcat sounds like, but I bet I would know it wasn't my cat if I heard it outside.
And recently, I saw a video of a Labrador retriever rescuing a baby deer from drowning and the little fawn was crying its head off. I'd never HEARD deer before.
I HAVE heard foxes. For some reason, videos featuring the furry little creatures keep popping up in my Tik Tok feed. But none that I have received feature one of them making THIS sound.
I don't know about you, but if I was outside at night and I heard that off in the distance (and yes, off in the distance would be my strong preference), I would freeze solid. Even though I am now familiar with it and know that it's no cause for alarm.
January and February are fox mating season months and during this time of year, they let off that alarming cry to attract a mate. I think it serves as a pretty good warning sign, too, but I doubt we'd have to worry about being WARNED a fox was nearby; they're fairly skittish and would dart if they saw one of us humans.
Have you heard anything like that lately? If so, now you know you're not in some horror movie you didn't know was being filmed a block over.
Nope, they're just beautiful little carnivores looking for love.