I Have an Argument for Two Additional Owensboro Traffic Lights
As someone who traveled South Frederica quite a bit this past weekend, I'm not the biggest fan in the world of rapid fire traffic lights. Unfortunately, they are necessary evils in that part of town. Can't get around it.
So maybe it's a little ironic that I'm making a couple of suggestions about where to ADD traffic lights.
Recently, it seems two intersections in Owensboro (there may be more, I realize, but I travel the following two quite often) have gotten exponentially busier and may need to considered for traffic signals.
I'll start with...
Byers Avenue and Veach Road
Having sat anywhere from 5 to 8 cars back in traffic on Byers in the last couple of months--and noticing pretty much the same type of line on the other streets involved--maybe it's time to think about a light at the intersection of two incredibly busy city streets--one of which is a direct connection from Frederica Street to New Hartford Road.
Then there's...
26th Street and Old Hartford Road
This one probably seems less obvious. And I'd actually put this one a little farther down the list than the one above. But if you want a quick shortcut from busy Old Hartford Road to all that Highway 54 increasingly has to offer, this is your connection. And this intersection just seems to get busier all the time. Eventually, I can see a light going in here.
Now, here's my argument...
Griffith Avenue and Lewis Lane/Roosevelt Road
Both Roosevelt Road and Lewis Lane sport double yellow lines. This means they were once county roads. But as the city grew and suburbs simply came Owensboro neighborhoods, that Roosevelt Road connection between Griffith Avenue and Parrish Avenue, naturally, became so well-traveled as a short cut, that a traffic signal--which, to the unknowing eye, probably DOES look out of place--became necessary.
Obviously, it's possible there are other intersections in town I don't see a lot of that could be in need of a signal. Can you think of any?