This Sunday on Meet the Press 5pm on WOMI:

Exclusive! Durbin, Graham

President Obama unveils his budget but comes under fire from Republicans for not being bold enough and from his own party for making the wrong cuts at the wrong time. As the debate heats up, Mr. Obama pleads for patience while Congress scrambles to come up with a plan to fund the government past March 4. Will there be a government shutdown or will lawmakers come to an agreement on spending? Joining David Gregory, moderator of Meet the Press, for an exclusive interview: Assistant Majority Leader Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and member of the Senate Budget Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Also this Sunday: Rice

How will the wave of protests in the Middle East affect U.S. policy? What does the unrest mean for America’s allies in the region? The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, will join us exclusively.

Sunday's Roundtable: Granholm, Ford, Gillespie, Santelli

How will the budget battle play out and what does it say for the political roadmap in 2012? Was the president's omission of entitlement reform in his new budget a failure of presidential leadership or a political power play? And what will the belt-tightening mean for cash-strapped states? Joining David Gregory: Former governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm (D); former congressman from Tennessee, Harold Ford (D); Republican strategist, Ed Gillespie; and CNBC's Rick Santelli.

If it’s Sunday … it’s Meet the Press.

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