While child obesity may be a heavy subject in Indiana, there is new data that suggests that the Hoosier “fat kid” isn't sliming down. However, the good news is he doesn't appear to be getting any heavier either.

According to research by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there has been a significant decrease of child obesity over the pat three years across 19 states, while 20 states, including Indiana, have simply stayed the same.

Experts say that the reason for the decrease in some states and no change in others is likely due to some adopting healthy lifestyle changes while others are ignoring the problem.

Programs like First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign have been working to help parents and children understand the importance of making healthier choices.

"We know how essential it is to set our youngest children on a path towards a lifetime of healthy eating and physical activity, and more than 10,000 childcare programs participating in the Let's Move! Child Care initiative are doing vitally important work on this front," said Obama. "Yet, while this announcement reflects important progress, we also know that there is tremendous work still to be done to support healthy futures for all our children."

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