Ladies: Indiana State Park Offering Women’s Wilderness Weekend
If you're craving warmer weather and an adventure into the great outdoors, you won't want to miss the upcoming Women's Wilderness Weekend.
This Is The Perfect Time to Start Thinking About Getting Outdoors
There is something really magical about sitting around a campfire, out in the middle of nowhere, and seeing the vast and infinite sky full of stars above. I love getting away from civilization to spend time outdoors. Camping and being in nature is truly one of life's simple pleasures. It is always a bonus if you happen to be able to drop a line in the water and do some fishing too (with a proper license of course!)
Indiana Offers a Number of Outdoor Recreation Options
There are of course a number of other amazing outdoor activities that you can enjoy here in Indiana, aside from camping. Personally, I prefer recreational shooting when it comes to both firearms and bows but hunting is a popular outdoor activity across Indiana - for large game like deer or smaller game like squirrels and rabbits.

The Outdoors Aren't Just for Men
I think that when it comes to outdoor activities, a lot of women find themselves shying away from taking the lead on things like camping, hunting, and fishing but we don't have to. There is a three-day workshop in Southern Indiana that can teach you all kinds of skills to whip you into the outdoors woman of your dreams.
Women's Wilderness Weekend
Indiana State Parks will be hosting a Women's Wilderness Weekend at Patoka Lake. The event is open to women ages 16 and older and will offer the opportunity to learn a number of outdoor skills including bushcraft, archery, wilderness first aid, and more.
Introduce women to outdoor skills that they might never have had an opportunity to experience or have never felt comfortable enough to try. Women will participate in a variety of activities, including dutch oven cooking, kayaking, archery/shotgun operations, boat operations, and wilderness first aid, to name a few. Limit to 60 participants, must be 16 or older in age.
When & How Much?
Registration for the event continues through April 10th, and the three-day event will take place May 10 - 12, 2024. The cost is just $85 per person which is a nominal fee when you consider the skills that you will walk away with after the weekend is through.
Where Do I Sign Up?
To learn more about the Women's Wilderness Weekend at Patoke Lake, or to register, you can send an email to nrenneker@dnr.in.gov to request your registration packet.
[SOURCE: Indiana State Parks]
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Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals