Renovation Reveals Hidden Gem: Historic Facade Uncovered in Princeton, Indiana Building Remodel
The building at the corner of State Street and Main Street in downtown Princeton has been numerous businesses over the years. The new owners are giving it a facelift, and it has revealed a really neat part of Princeton's history.
When Boot Scootin' Was the Thing to do
I'm sure that you remember the late nineties when Line Dancing was for the cool kids in town. Well, I was not one of those cool people lol. But, I do remember when Silver Spur Dance Club was open in downtown Princeton.
Boot Scootin' friends were still welcome long after the dance club closed.
Princeton is making progress, and awaiting new businesses.
Clean Slate for 104 West State Street
Future Home of Bethany Christian Church Princeton Campus
Bethany Christian Church - Princeton is currently renovating the giant space for a new church. After taking away the front signage that has covered the building for as long as I can remember, a bit of history was revealed.
History Peeking Out
The discovery has generated a lot of excitement in the local community, and many people are eager to learn more about the history of their town and share stories from back in the day.
J.C PENNY was 3 levels of shopping, including the dreaded school uniforms!
Princeton's Mayor Greg Wright is an amazing resource on all things historical in the city. In fact, he's written two books about it, complete with photos.
Here's a Deeper Look into the history of Downtown Princeton, Indiana
Then and Now: See How Princeton, Indiana has Changed Over the Years

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