As Halloween approaches, there is just something spooky in the air. We hear more things and see more things that scare us. Maybe, during this time of year, we are more aware of paranormal things.

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Recently, a woman in Kentucky, who wants to remain anonymous, sent me this very creepy photo. She didn't know what to make of it and wanted me to have a look.

She was alone, sitting in her house watching TV, and heard a noise over by her french doors. As she looked that way, she saw an image of a face in the window of the door. At first, she wondered if it was a strange light shining into the room, but there was no light reflecting onto the floor.

Scared to get up and move closer to the door, she grabbed her phone and snapped this photo.


As she zoomed in, what she saw made her want to scream. The closer she zoomed in on the face in the window, the more it looked like the face of a demon.




This is terrifying! But, I'm not sure if it's the face of a demon. My understanding is that demons possess something or someone, not materialize themselves. But, OMG, if they do, this is what I think one would look like.

Could it have been more of a ghostly face or spirit mist? Maybe, I don't know. But, I never rule anything out. When you think about it, anything is possible.

I'm not an expert by any means. I think she just wanted a second opinion and she knows I love the possibilities of anything paranormal.

I asked her if the face was there the next day, and she said that it was gone and nothing, even so much as a smudge mark was on the window glass.

What do you think.? It's freaky, isn't it?

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