If it's Sunday, it's Meet the Press. If you miss it on TV catch it on the radio. 5pm today on WOMI and 1490womi.com.

This Sunday on Meet the Press:


Cantor on Future of GOP

This Sunday: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) sits down with David Gregory as Washington prepares for some big political battles in the coming months. Plus, we'll get his thoughts about the direction of Republican Party as they reshape their message to voters.


Roundtable talks State of the Union

Our political roundtable previews the president's State of the Union address and breaks down the politics behind the budget battle. Joining us, California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan, Democratic Mayor of Atlanta Kasim Reed, and GOP strategist Mike Murphy. Plus, the debate over drones: NBC's Michael Isikoff also joins the roundtable after breaking the NBC News exclusive this week uncovering confidential Justice Department documents making the case for the ability to use drones against American citizens.


Senate Democratic Leader on the Coming Fights

One of the White House's top Senate allies, Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) joins us Sunday as the administration faces questions about its drone policy. Should there be more transparency and what is the president's authority when it comes to using drones against U.S. citizens? Also, can Democrats and Republicans work together as big budget deadlines approach?



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