Yesterday, I watched a Reelz documentary about Michael Jackson that included an interview from the medical examiner who performed his autopsy. This doc stated that MJ suffered from an autoimmune disease for most of his life called Lupus that was treated loads of pain medication.

According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), an "autoimmune disease develops when your immune system, which defends your body against disease, decides your healthy cells are foreign. As a result, your immune system attacks healthy cells. Depending on the type, an autoimmune disease can affect one or many different types of body tissue. It can also cause abnormal organ growth and changes in organ function."

At the time of death, Jackson's lungs were disfigured and scarred which could have been caused by years of attack from his own white blood cells. Jackson's signature style pieces such as umbrellas and surgical masks may have also been used because of sensitivities caused by the illness.

Autoimmune disease affects up to 50 million Americans. I am one of those 50 million. About 12 years ago, I became incredibly ill. I visited specialists, ERs, doctors... until one very special ER doctor, Dr. David Watkins, took me in as a patient. He was determined to find out what was wrong with me. I felt like I had the worst flu of my life - every muscle in my body ached with such a deep pain, I couldn't function. My inflammation rate was through the roof. After several rounds of tests, Dr. Watkins diagnosed me with an under-active thyroid and sent me to a rheumatologist who then diagnosed me with an autoimmune disease. Since then, I have taken numerous immune-suppressive medications. A weakened immune system has lead to various nasty illnesses in my past including shingles, rubella and many rounds of antibiotics. Every time I see a new doctor, they are bound and determined to solve the mystery but after reading my charts and taking the tests, they always come to the conclusion that I shall remain a medical mystery.

I don't tell you this to feel sorry for me. Through the grace of God, support from family who has stuck with me when I looked like Hell in human form and dedicated docs, I finally have a good balance in my life. I take six pills and numerous holistic remedies that help me function like a normal human being. For the first time in 12 years, I feel good and I am healthy. My doc takes about eight vials of blood bi-annually to keep a close watch on every organ in my body and so far, so good.

After learning that Michael Jackson suffered from a disease similar to mine, I am deeply saddened that he never got the help he needed. He was labeled as a prescription drug addict but I wonder if he was just trying to escape the unimaginable pain that plagued his body. I wonder if Jackson had been properly treated how much of a difference he could have made for the awareness of autoimmune diseases as a spokesperson.

Though so many people suffer from autoimmune diseases, the causes are generally unknown and maintenance over cure seems to be the future for patients. I have taken Prednisone (a steroid) for 12 years now. At one time, I was injected with 80 mg because my inflammation rate was so incredibly high. My body was basically KILLING itself. Now, I take a daily dose of 2 mg. My hope is to lower that to one and finally be off the drug for good.

I still get flairs and feel awful all over again but because I have an excellent diet, I get exercise, I have researched and met with nutrition experts on what supplements to take that reduce inflammation, I know my limits and have a set sleep schedule, I can work full time, care for my child and be a functioning human being. I know there are others who cannot.

I hope that if you have an ongoing medical problem that no one can seem to explain, you'll ask your primary care doc to refer you to a rheumatologist. If you do have an autoimmune disease, take a good look at your diet, exercise, stress level and sleep schedule. Also, find a good nutritionist because these diseases can ruin your life.

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