Comedian Mike Epps to Revitalize His Indianapolis Neighborhood in New HGTV Series
Mike Epps is an actor, producer, and standup comedian who has nearly 100 acting credits on his resume, going back to 1996. For most of us, Epps is best known for his role as Day Day in Next Friday and Friday After Next. What some folks may not know about Epps is that he is a Hoosier, born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. After a successful career like his, you might expect Epps to live in a place like L.A., Hollywood, or New York, but you would be wrong. Mike still lives in his hometown of Indianapolis and has no plans of moving.
This is one of my favorite scenes from Next Friday (it's got a bunch of cussing, just so you know).
Mike's love for Naptown is what has inspired a new series on HGTV, starring Epps and his wife, Kyra. In the series titled Buying Back the Block, Mike and Kyra will revitalize the street that he grew up on. Now, if you're wondering what Mike Epps could possibly know about renovating homes and stuff (I sure was), you should know this isn't some publicity stunt. Mike has become a real estate investor over the years, and his wife is a design enthusiast. The two have already transformed an abandoned firehouse on the block into their new family home.

In a press release from HGTV, Mike and Kyra explain what will happen on the show and what inspired them.
Kyra and I are restoring two homes on the block, one was my grandmother's house from the 1960s. Our kids will see us work firsthand, nail by nail, to rebuild these homes and our community. Our goal is to inspire legacy and family for generations to come.
Our two little ones are growing up on the same block as Mike did in the ‘70s. Over the last two years, Mike and I realized that we needed to be close to our families more than ever. We decided to spend more time in Indianapolis so our children could understand the importance of family and their family history. I am excited to bring my design style to the neighborhood for future families to experience.
Buying Back the Block will be a three-episode series that is scheduled to air in the summer of 2023. In the meantime, you can watch Mike's latest standup special, Indiana Mike, right now on Netflix. Heads up - the trailer below features a bit of NSFW (but funny) language.
[h/t: wthr.com]
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