Last week I started a diet and told you my tummy was just way too big! Weight Watcher's points came to the rescue. Now, two years ago I used Weight Watchers to drop a bunch of weight. My weight only goes to the stomach. It doesn't spread around in a circle either. It just poofs out forward.Here's last week photo of the "baby".

A Moon Shot
A Moon Shot

Now, by using a limit of 30 WW points per day, I have lost three lbs. I know that doesn't sound like much but it is all from one location.  My belt fits again, my jeans waist is not rolling over and I have less of a tummy. Look.

Moon tummy 2
Moon tummy 2

Here is some of what I consumed this week:

As much salad as I can stand, no points

- Shredded wheat with no fat milk and fruit: 6 points

- Turkey sandwich and 11 Kroger chips: 8 points

- Smart Ones meals: 7 or 8 points

- Italian sausages and pasta: 10 points

- Snack, apple and peanut butter: 2 points (Fat Free P.B.)

Friday and Saturday I broke out the scotch and wine.  It's okay, I had the extra points.  Final total: 192, or 27.5 per day.





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