Jessica Piper needed a small repair done on her beautiful wedding set, so she dropped it off at a jewelry store nearby. Something went wrong, and now something is missing from her life. She's frantically searching for her cherished wedding ring. Can you help?

Jessica Piper and her missing ring.
Jessica Piper and her missing ring.

I know how Jessica is feeling at this exact moment. My home was burglarized in March of 2013. Although Jessica's story is different, the violation still feels the same. The desperation of trying to locate missing items can take on a life of its own. I spent months on every website imaginable, hoping that I would find something that was stolen. That is until I knew it was finally time to give up. The desperation can eat away at you if you let it. I learned so much about protecting your home, how to navigate pawnshops, and working side by side with law enforcement during the investigative process. It was an experience I'll never forget, and pray that I'll never have to deal with it again. You can help give Jessica and her family the happy ending they deserve.

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This is their story and how you can help. I'm leaving the name of the jewelry store out of the article because they're trying to make things right with the Piper family.

Jessica & Cody Piper
Jessica & Cody Piper

 Losing a Wedding Ring of Sentimental Value

I asked Jessica Piper to share why this ring means so much to her. Jessica shared, "My husband and I got married on May 6th, 2018. We've been together since 2009 and were high-school sweethearts. We got together when I was just 13 years old. The sentimental value of my ring is irreplaceable. I've worried myself sick and mentally stressed myself out. I'm all over the place with my emotions, and it's so heartbreaking."

Jenn Chaplic, "I'm so sorry Jess my heart breaks for you. Push it to the max."

Bailey Reed, "I am so sorry Jess!!"

Kayla Doss, "This is awful. I'm sorry."

Jessica & Cody Piper
Jessica & Cody Piper

What Happened to the Ring is a Tragic Mistake

Jessica shared with me what happened to her cherished wedding ring. "My ring was ready for pickup after a needed repair. An employee at the jewelry store gave my ring to the wrong person. She misread/glanced at the pickup slip and handed my ring over to the wrong person who proceeded to take the ring home. I've since jumped through hoops to get answers since we figured out my ring was picked up on February 24th, 2022, from the jewelry store."

Sherry Hunt Greene, "I wouldn't stop. I am sure they can have another ring made just like yours. I am glad they are giving you another ring."

Michael Lee Fletcher, "That’s good and all, but the ring that is gone has the sentimental value that’s yours and Cody’s first anything."

Piper Family
Piper Family

Two Months Later Still Waiting for Answers

Jessica shared her tough journey trying to retrieve her ring back. It's been a long two-month process so far. "I've contacted the police in Bowling Green on several different occasions. They have the person on camera, they know who they are and where they live in Bowling Green. I was told the ring was sold online by that person and not in their possession anymore. I've been in contact with the jewelry store and they admit negligence. They're trying to make me whole again by giving me another ring at equal value. But, nothing in their store will ever make me whole again by just replacing my wedding ring.", Jessica shared

Bethany Beatty Devine, "Check all surrounding pawn shops!"

Brittany Frizzell, "I’m so sorry! Praying that you find the original!"

Melanie Uzzle Culbertson, "This is terrible."

Jessica & Cody Piper
Jessica & Cody Piper

While Jessica and the Piper family await justice, she's asking for our help. She's hoping if more people see the ring, it may be identified. After going through this process, I know it's a long shot, but always worth a shot. Especially when it comes to something that holds such sentimental value. Hopefully, the person who has the ring will do the right thing and come forward. Jessica just wants her wedding ring back. I pray for her peace of mind either way.

LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

To find out more about how has the price of gas changed throughout the years, Stacker ran the numbers on the cost of a gallon of gasoline for each of the last 84 years. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (released in April 2020), we analyzed the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline from 1976 to 2020 along with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for unleaded regular gasoline from 1937 to 1976, including the absolute and inflation-adjusted prices for each year.

Read on to explore the cost of gas over time and rediscover just how much a gallon was when you first started driving.

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