The MLB has a new cap in the works that will protect the pitchers from extremely straight line drives straight back toward the mound.  The hat is basically a standard baseball cap with a helmet underneath of it.  It's very large and very strange looking to anyone who is used to seeing the players in the standard baseball caps.

Alex Torres tried it out first as the Padres played the L.A. Dodgers.  They say being safe isn't always fashionable and in this case I'd say they hit the nail on the head.  Testing has been going on and it is especially effective on the sides of the head... sure...but what about when one of these balls come flying into one's mouth? Or their ear? I say give them a full hockey mask.  Either that or maybe set up t-ball.

Torres said "I get it for free, so I'm just gonna use it to see how it feels."  No word as of yet if the cap is the reason behind the Padres 2-1 loss to the Dodgers.  L.A. getting 6 hits in the game.

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