On Tuesday, Drive-thru Prayer Vigil at Owensboro Health
The Owls (Owensboro Women Living Socially) group are hosting a 'stay in your vehicle drive-thru prayer vigil' on Tuesday afternoon. It's a small way to support doctors, nurses, hospital staff and patients during this difficult time.
Back in March, at the height of the pandemic, Owls hosted a drive-thru prayer vigil at Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. Hundreds showed up to honor our health care workers, who are on the frontlines keeping everyone safe. I took this photo as I made my way to the hospital. The support was incredible and goosebump worthy. Everyone stayed in their vehicles, honked, used their flashers and used flashlights as candles. It was amazing to be a part of it, and to see all of the hospital staff and patients looking out the windows. Many, wiping away tears.
As we drove away that day, they remained over the last ten months caring for many of our family & friends. I can't even imagine how they're dealing with all of this mentally, while also caring for patients during the pandemic. I can't even imagine the toll all of this has taken on their souls. To have to call loved ones to let them know that their relative was dying. To facetime with them during those last moments had to be heart-wrenching. I'm actually starting to cry just thinking about it. I have friends who have lost parents this year, and it breaks my heart to hear what they went thru in those final moments. That they couldn't be there in the end, to whisper that they loved them, and kiss them goodbye one last time.
If it affects me hearing about it, imagine being a doctor, nurse of staff member living through it.....every single day. I'm stepping away for a moment to take a deep breath.
Okay, I'm back........
Now, let's show our support and honor our frontline doctors, nurses and hospital staff and, of course, the patients too. Members of the community will safely gather Tuesday, November 24th, 2020 starting at 5PM. We need to let the hospital staff and patients know that we haven't forgotten about them. That we still care and will be there.
If you plan to attend, you're asked to stay in your vehicle to ensure proper social distancing and to follow CDC guidelines. Just like at the March prayer vigil, we need to keep the lanes clear for emergency personnel and don't park in the emergency entrance parking lot.
I'll be there with the WBKR van and I hope to see and hear you honking too! Let's do this.

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