Owensboro's economic development has not gone unrecognized. Thousands upon thousands of folks attended the International Bar-B-Q Festival last weekend, noticed all the work on the new convention center, and enjoyed the all-new Smothers Park--some for the very first time.

For many who only come to Owensboro once a year for the Bar-B-Q Festival, they were seeing a lot of new things for the very first time. It's a downtown that looks like part of city on the move.

And it's a city that has impressed the online journal Southern Business and Development which has included Owensboro on its list of "Ten Shining Examples of Economic Development That's Working in the South."

Plus, Owensboro is not alone among Kentucky cities in this survey. You can see the list here.

Once again, Kentucky cities have made a national top ten and, this time, one of them's ours!

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