Rick Santorum on Meet the Press — Sunday at 5:00 pm
This Sunday on Meet the Press:
GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum joins us live from the campaign trail hoping to solidify his status as the anti-Romney alternative after a clean sweep in this week’s three GOP contests. As the Romney campaign retools its message and sets their sights on Santorum, can the former Pennsylvania senator stay strong and on message? Does he have the resources to go the distance?
White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew
New White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew, who has the big job of running the White House during a re-election year, joins us to talk about a big week in Washington with possible re-election repercussions for the president. How will the president's embrace of Super PACs square with voters tired of the ways of Washington? And as the economy improves, social issues return to the forefront. Will the dust up over policy pertaining to religious institutions hurt them when the votes are cast?