Watch Senior Cat Use Tail To Cool Off at Indiana Shelter
Allow us to introduce you to this week's Pet of the Week from the Vanderburgh Humane Society. Meet Raja.
Hey, I’m Raja, a 13-year female torbie from VHS. My fur is luxurious and my coloring is unique. All I know is to roll around, look cute and get pets. That’s fine, though! At my age, I’ve earned it. When I first arrived at VHS, I was so scared…all I could do was tremble in the corner of my enclosure. It didn’t take long, however, for me to start showing off my sweet and silly personality. I don’t care much for other pets and would prefer to be the reigning queen in my new home. Until May 15th, my adoption fee is only $25.
Learn more about Raja, or apply for adoption here, www.vhslifesaver.org/adopt
Wanna watch cats playing LIVE 24/7 (if they’re not sleeping) on their new Petcube Play in the Cageless Cat Lounge and at the River Kitty Cat Cafe. Download the free Petcube app, create an account, and find “VHS Cat Lounge.” The camera runs all the time and if you turn your phone to landscape, you can control the built-in laser pointer and play with the kittens! vhslifesaver.org!
RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds
Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.
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