Though only two episodes deep into its 38th season, 'Saturday Night Live' has already produced some classics, be they 'Family Guy' funnyman (and newly-minted Oscars host) Seth MacFarlane and his dead-on Ryan Lochte impression, to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his turn as the most interesting man in the world's son. But with Daniel Craig due to host this Saturday, who will next take the reigns? Why, Christina Applegate and Bruno Mars, of course, but not in the way you'd think!

Surprising news for the next few hosts of the current season of 'SNL,' which this weekend will see 'Skyfall's' Daniel Craig taking up hosting duties, with alterna-rockers Muse in tow as musical guest. Beyond that, October 13 will see current 'Up All Night' and former 'Married with Children' star Christina Applegate taking up hosting duties, with musical guest Passion Pitt.

The biggest surprise of all, however, is that the following week of October 20 will see Bruno Mars taking over for both hosting and musical duties. Does Mars have what it take to make us laugh and groove in the same hour?

Check out some recent 'SNL' highlights from Joseph Gordon-Levitt's turn hosting the show, and tell us what you think of the upcoming hosts in the comments! Who would you like to see host the show next?

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