
How People are Preparing for the Mayan Apocalypse
How People are Preparing for the Mayan Apocalypse
How People are Preparing for the Mayan Apocalypse
So Friday, December 21 is maaaaaaaybe going to be the apocalypse because a really old calendar ran out of space. It's already tomorrow in Australia, and people are reporting that it's fine. Of course other people are pointing out that the ancient Mayans weren't really operating on Greenwich Mean Time, so maybe Australia should just cool their jets. Some of us are calmly stuffing as much clothing a
The Best Mayan Apocalypse Memes
The Best Mayan Apocalypse Memes
The Best Mayan Apocalypse Memes
Well, we really hope the Mayans were wrong. We aren't quite ready for the world to end -- we need to know how 'Breaking Bad' ends. Here are some memes to cheer you up and bolster your confidence that we just might see the sun come up on Saturday after all. Enjoy!
Doomsday Predictor Says Invisible Judgment Day Came Saturday [PHOTOS]
Doomsday Predictor Says Invisible Judgment Day Came Saturday [PHOTOS]
Doomsday Predictor Says Invisible Judgment Day Came Saturday [PHOTOS]
Can we get a rapture rain check? Say, for Oct. 21? Harold Camping, the radio host who predicted Christians would be taken to heaven this past Saturday, leaving non believers behind to suffer through the end of the world, has picked a new date for the end of the world after a rapture-less weekend.