A Border Patrol Agent is being credited for running into Robb Elementary School this week while an 18-year-old, who was armed with AR-15, was shooting kids and teachers.
The Owensboro Police Department recently released that on Sunday, January 29, 2017 at approximately 7:00 p.m. Antonio C. Douglas arrived at the station and turned himself into authorities.
The Owensboro Police Department has now secured an arrest warrant for the suspect in the recent Werner Avenue shooting. Authorities have circulated his photo but believe he may have changed his appearance.
Tulsa District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler has charged officer Betty Shelby with first-degree manslaughter in the death of Terence Crutcher, and has issued a warrant for her arrest.
Memorial Day celebrations have been interrupted in one Kentucky town. Authorities are investigating a shooting that took place just before lunch in McLean County.