First official outing as the new intern and I got to go spelunking at Marengo Cave in Marengo, Indiana. Does this not sound like it is going to be an awesome summer? The cave was pretty fantastic to say the least. It was beautiful in that dark, wet, cave kind of way. During our tour, I wandered a little but behind the group, not really paying much attention to the guide, just off in my own little world taking pictures and videos for the awesome video I made. That is not to say what our guide was uninteresting, just that the cave was enough to have me mesmerized.

We were there with about three elementary schools, which reminded me of my third grade field trip to the cave. I remember how much fun I had and exactly how crucial it was to buy all shiny rocks from the gift store. They were an absolute necessity. Just like in third grade, the cave was a good time now that I'm older. I was pleasantly surprised to know that the cave was much cooler than the outside temperature. Apparently it stays the same temperature year round--just a fun fact for everyone that wants outside fun, but doesn't want to melt under the sun. It is worth going to see! Mother nature rocks my socks.

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