Tuesday is Election Day.  And, in addition to the race for U.S. President, we have a multitude of local political seats up for grabs from an important U.S. Senate Seat to Owensboro Mayor to City Commission to the newly created Family Court Judge position.  Here's a complete look at this November's contested races and the names you'll see on the ballot in each.

Citizens In Five States Vote In Primary Elections
(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

U.S. Senate

Jim Gray- D

Rand Paul- R

Owensboro Mayor

David Crane

Doug Hoyt

Neil Johnston

Jeff Sanford

Tom Watson

Owensboro City Commission

(10 candidates, 4 will be elected)

Larry Conder

Joey Connelly

Bob Darling

Andy Gamblin

Bob Glenn

Mark Howard

Joseph Martin

Teresa Thomas

Jay Velotta

Pam Smith-Wright

7th District Kentucky House Seat

Joy Gray- D

Suzanne Miles- R

11th District Kentucky House Seat

Bobby Mills- R

David Watkins- D

12th District Kentucky House Seat

Jim Gooch Jr.- R

Jim Townsend- D

13th District Kentucky House Seat

Jim Glenn- D

D.J. Johnson- R

14th District Kentucky House Seat

Matt Castlen- R

Tommy Thompson- D

Family Court Judge

Clifton Boswell

Susan Montalvo-Gesser

Julie Hawes Gordon

Angela Thompson

Owensboro City School Board

(5 candidates, 3 seats available)

Melissa Decker

Jeremy Edge

Dan Griffith

Steve Knight

Stephanie Smith

Daviess County School Board

(District 3 seat open)

C. Todd Anderson

Dianne Burns Mackey

Whitesville City Commission

(5 candidates, 4 seats available)

Bob Abell

Joseph Beatty

Buddy Mattingly

Patsy Mayfield

Clarence Merritt

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