Quiz!  What's the first song someone shouts out if the lead singer of a band asks for requests?  Yep!  "Freebird."  Happens everytime, without fail.  And, thankfully, not everyone gives into the temptation to cover one of the most iconic songs in the history of recorded music.  But, these folks did.  Remember the short-lived 80's group Will To Power?  They actually went a step further and recorded a version of "Freebird."  And, quite honestly, it may be the worst version of that song EVER!  (Of course, I say that and I actually bought their debut album on cassette.  Don't judge me!!)   So, what do you say?  Why don't we relive it?  LOL!  I found the video on YouTube . . .

Oddly, and miraculously enough, this medley of hits by Peter Frampton and Lynyrd Skynyrd reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100!  For reals.  In December of 1988.  But the group could never really sustain that kind of momentum.  Will To Power only ever reached the Top 10 one more time.  In 1990, they topped out at #7 with the song "I'm Not in Love."

Now, I am sure there have been some pretty wretched versions of "Freebird" performed at karaoke clubs around the United States.  But, I am quite convinced, there has never been another version as bad as this that was as successful as this.  And, again, I can say that now after jamming to Will To Power's version in the 80's.  I was a teenager.  I didn't know any better.

Luckily, on August 1st at the Ford Center in Evansville, you get to see the real thing.  I guarantee you that when someone in the crowd yells "Freebird," you are gonna be treated to a dose of the classic.  And that's just one of the many reasons why you don't want to miss Lynyrd Skynyrd in concert!  Tickets remain on sale and to get yours, all you to do is CLICK HERE!


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