Things You Should Know When Preparing Your Kid For The Workforce (VIDEO)
I took my son, Parker, for his first job interview last Friday. There were many things we discussed when preparing him to go into the workforce-->I started my first real job when I was 14 years-old. My mom helped me know what to expect when I went looking for work. I am doing the same thing for my Parker.
- Bring a Resume- even if your child doesn't have "work experience" ask them to think of the things they have done around the house (babysitting, lawn mowing, organizing) all these can be used as experience when looking for a job. Help them lists volunteer work, hobbies, skills, and have them do research on how to prepare the best resume for their experience.
- Attire for the Interview- I have always been told dress the job you want not the job you have. This just means that you should dress well and be put together when you walk through the doors of whatever place you are applying.
- Be Prepared to Answer Questions- I gave Parker a mock interview before he went for his actual interview. This gave him an idea of questions they might ask and gave him an opportunity to think about how he might answer.
- Help Your Children Become Well-Rounded- My children have been a part of my jobs since they were very small. They have gone to work with me and watched me work. They go to volunteer with my husband and I and they get out in the community and meet people so they are able to communicate and hold a conversation.
- Teach Your Kids to Set Goals and Attain Them- I encourage my kids to set their mind to something and do it! If they want to become a rocket scientist it starts now! Not when they get in college. They have to constantly be thinking about the decisions they make now reflect their future.
- ENCOURAGE THEM!- Let them know their worth. Lift them up and also be there to help cushion the fall if that happens. But remember that they need to be accountable.
And lastly, relax, breathe, and take it all in! It's gonna all fly by now :(