This Fall There Will Be Four Chances to See the Budweiser Clydesdales in South Central Kentucky
No, the Budweiser Clydesdales have not been using 2021 to practice their disappearing act, but one might think so.
First, we didn't see the legendary stallions during the Super Bowl as no ads for Budweiser itself were purchased, although products OWNED by Anheuser-Busch made the cut.
THEN, in late spring, we got the news that they were going to be in Cave City in the summer. But that planned Fourth of July appearance was canceled.
So we're going to make another run (gallop?) at this for the fall, which sounds more fitting anyway.
If you are a fan of the Budweiser Clydesdales, then set aside some dates in November; they'll be making four appearances in South Central Kentucky. And yes, Cave City is one of the destinations but it's the last one.

The Clydesdales will be making two appearances in Bowling Green--on November 17th and November 18th. They'll be in Morgantown, Kentucky on November 19th and they'll round out their Kentucky tour in Cave City on November 20th. Exact times are available at WBKO.com.
Now, if you clicked that link, you saw the advertisement for their appearances. You probably noticed "SOLO HORSE/PHOTO OP" underneath the dates for the Bowling Green appearances. I don't really know what it means that that wording was left off the Morgantown and Cave City appearances and I can't find anything more about it after an exhaustive search. (Also, Google is being a little sticky today.) But maybe you'll learn more about THOSE appearances if you attend the ones in Bowling Green.
It's been nearly 90 years since Clydesdales began their association with Budweiser, so there's no wonder we can't separate the two icons in our minds. The elegant horses were presented as gifts to August Busch Sr. by his sons Adolphus and August Jr. They were to commemorate the end of prohibition.
I'm not exactly sure why the Busch family thought the Clydesdales would be an effective marketing tool for their beer, but they obviously were and have been for nine decades.
And now you'll get a chance to see that history in person. And charge your phone. I see a LOT of pictures in your future.
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