This KY City Is Expected to See a Huge Population Surge in the Next Five Years
Bowling Green KY is an excellent example of explosive population growth in a relatively short period of time. Tiny two-lane roads that were once essentially service roads to get you to the mall area on Scottsville Road are now all grown up. The same can be said for U.S. 231 south of town.
And then there's the reason...back in the 80s and 90s, Bowling Green's population was in the 40,000-plus range; today, it's north of 72,000. That's extraordinary growth. According to a recent study, another Kentucky city--80 miles north of Bowling Green--is expected to enjoy the same kind of explosion over the next five years.
The Fastest-Growing Large City in Kentucky
From 2022 to 2023, Elizabethtown experienced a 3.4% bump in population. The University of Louisville's Kentucky State Data Center says that's good enough to make it the fastest-growing "large city" in the Commonwealth. Tiny Pippa Passes in eastern Kentucky grew by more than 20% in that time; it's the fastest-growing town of any size in Kentucky.
But E-town--a major hub for Kentucky travelers--isn't finished, not by a long stretch. Another study--from the Hardin County Chamber of Commerce--predicts a staggering population increase of 22,000 over the next five years. This conclusion seems to have come from looking at how Georgetown grew so quickly after the Toyota plant was built.
With the BlueOval SK electric vehicle battery plant expected to begin production in 2025, that's not an unreasonable expectation.
If that prediction pans out, Elizabethtown's population would rise to close to 54,000, likely elevating it to fifth place among the largest cities in Kentucky. Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, and Owensboro are currently the top four.
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