Have you ever seen WalMart during the entire month of January?  The customer service room is stocked full of shopping carts packed to the brim with things you purchased and others have taken back.  Sometimes people want money rather than gifts and with a gift receipt they figure out how much you spent on them anyway.

So in the light of Christmas, this might help you determine what to get the man or woman on the list and for sure what not to get them.

We'll Start With What The Women Don't Want Under The Tree

1- Cheap perfume or toiletries

2- Cheap jewelry

3- Make-up that isn't right for them

4- Bad sweaters

5- Candles

6- Second-hand stuff

7- Books they've already read

8- Chocolate

9- Scarfs

10- Calendars.

Well I suppose if they are well established then these gifts are a little bit crazy.  But let's talk about the fresh out of college man or woman.  Second hand stuff is a wonderful blessing.  Calendars tell us what day it is, chocolate keep us focused and scarfs and sweaters keep us warm.

Now the men.  Apparently these are the gifts men do not want under their tree.

1- Socks

2-  Bad sweaters

3- Books they've already read

4- Cheap cologne or toiletries

5- Slippers

6- A mug

7- Calendar

8- Chocolate

9- A handkerchief

10- Second-hand stuff

What is wrong with these people?  First of all a mug is a wonderful present.  Of course I like a good logo mug, maybe a radio station logo or something with a golf logo or a mug shaped like a toilet or a camera lens.  Books are completely out of the picture in my life so that is an excellent example of what not to get.  However if the book has a bunch of pictures then it's a different story.  And socks are a wonderful blessing as well.  Socks are a horrible gift for a person that is in high school but after graduation they are the best.  Even if they have a teddy bear hanging off the top with bells and glitter.

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