Well it happened.  The Government shut down on Monday night.  Thanks to CNN, a list has been compiled to let the people know what to expect.







1.  No national parks.  No Yosemite, No Yellowstone and no Statue of Liberty on vacation.  Or any other national park, national zoo, or national museum.  They'll all be closed.

2.  If you're a federal employee, you're on unpaid leave.  But in the two shutdowns we had in the '90s, they DID pay all the employees retroactively when the shutdown ended.

3.  Military employees WILL get paid.  Congress put in a special exemption for them during all this nonsense.

4.  You would STILL pay taxes.  There's is no hiding from that!

5.  You would still get your mail.  Things would have to be really really bad if the Post Office stopped.

6.  Obamacare would STILL get funded.  Its funds don't depend on the congressional budget process.  So the Republican effort to stop Obamacare will actually keep it going.

7.  You won't be able to get a gun permit.

8.  No federal loans.  No small business loans and no home loans.  And veterans' benefits wouldn't be paid either.  However Social Security is expected to still be paid.

9.  For Washington, D.C., there would be no city services.  Including trash collection.  The city budget has to be approved by Congress.

10.  American pride would suffer.  Most of us have plenty to spare.  But it never looks good for the most powerful country on Earth to be floundering around with no leadership and no cash flow.

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