We can't stress enough that Christmas is right around the corner.  It snuck up on us, as it usually does every single year.  Thanksgiving came and went, and the next day we trampled over people and knocked other people down to buy things right after we spend a day giving thanks to the things we already have.

The weekend weather sure does scream Christmas here in Owensboro and we have been decorating and singing and getting ready for the big day. Kind of like Santa is while he hangs out with his Camel in Radio City.  I mentioned singing.  Christmas music has arrived yet again for the 2013 year and it's already burning it's annual stamp into our brains.  Some of these songs are great but of course there is a top 10 WORST songs of the Christmas season and we have them right here.

1.  "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" -  It's funny and cute but once is enough.  I think the remakes and re-do's are a little much.

2.  "Santa Baby"  Kind of a whiney song

3.  "Jingle Bell Rock" - All I can think of when I hear this song is the movie Mean Girls with Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams

4.  "Jingle Bells" - Classic song usually played 8 times per hour at any radio station

5.  "Feliz Navidad" - Is that Mercan?

6.  "The Little Drummer Boy" - Why is this on here?

7.  "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" - Again the re-do's are insane

8.  "The 12 Days of Christmas" - There is someone who figured out what it would cost to actually have a traditional 12 days of Christmas and if you bought all of the things on the list, like turtle doves and dancing women and a partridge in a pear tree it would cost over $114,000

9.  "Winter Wonderland" - It hardly ever happens so why sing about it?

10.  "The Christmas Shoes" - Good Song

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