Yesterday morning I woke up around 8 with a sore voice box. A bottle of water and a donut seemed to fix it, which was fantastic news because I had to run the WBKR early afternoon show.  Everything seemed fine on the way home, singing Alan Jackson and drinking a new cup of coffee.  I get back home and that's the end of my voice.

Plentiful amounts of tea, honey, and lemon helped me out a little bit but only lasted about 20 minutes.  I knew I had to do something.  "We have a show in the morning" I kept telling my voice, "snap out of it." Nothing...

I woke up on Monday morning still without a voice.  I drank some more tea and headed off to the station.  Moon is always at the office when I arrive and usually is quick to greet me when I step inside.  He says "Hello!" like he always does.  I kinda said- "Huruurreaahhho."  Not a lot of excitement in whatever is left of my voice.  I told him the show would probably be a little hard to understand today.  I didn't say too much.

Perhaps someone knows some remedies for a lost voice.  I would appreciate it. HA!


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