Watch a Stunning Starry Night Taken Deep in the Missouri Woods
If really want an epic view of the stars, you need to get far away from cities. That's what one videographer did as they captured a stunning time-lapse video of a starry night which included many meteors from deep inside the woods of Missouri.

I unfortunately don't know the name of this videographer, but they just dropped this video on their YouTube channel with the following backstory:
I put together a 969 image time lapse recorded with GoPro Hero on August 5th-6th 2022 . The location was North of Cabool, Missouri in a dark sky area. Please enjoy the stars and beautiful astronomy display.
It's only 40 seconds, but boy did they pick the right night to capture the sky transforming from day to night and back to day. The fact we're still in the middle of several meteor showers just makes it better.
Wilderness.org has 11 tips on how to take great photos of stars and #1 is to "locate dark skies". By necessity, cities have lots of lights which causes what is known in the night photography world as "light pollution". The further you get away from civilization, the better your chances of getting a great photo/video like this one.
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