Meet Twiggy the Water Skiing Squirrel at the Kentucky Expo Center During the Louisville Boat, RV & Sportshow [VIDEO]
I have a little secret. It's nothing weird, but it IS quirky. When I was a kid, I always thought it would be fun to be a squirrel...and that was because of Spider-Man. And yes, I'll explain.
In my youth, it was Spider-Man EVERYTHING. I was (and am now, to be honest) a big fan. I wanted to BE Spider-Man because of how he could travel long distances and never touch the ground. I thought that was incredibly cool. Still do. It's why I admired squirrels and still watch them with fascination to this day.
If they wanted, squirrels would never have to touch the ground, either, IF they had enough trees, power lines, and rooftops available. Seriously, considering how they can navigate the flimsiest branches and then jump on a roof and then an electrical line was a favorite pastime.
But back then, I had no idea they could WATERSKI. And maybe they all can't, but there are enough YouTube videos featuring the furry little rodents doing what I never COULD do, so maybe they can. I know TWIGGY can. In fact, she is arguably the most FAMOUS waterskiing squirrel because she has her own Wikipedia page. Check out Twiggy in action.
Yes, Twiggy has gained a considerable amount of fame, and now she's making a personal appearance at the Louisville Boat, RV & Sportshow at the Kentucky Expo Center this weekend.
Naturally, as with any show of this nature, there are plenty of activities for everyone and lots to see that will put you in a spring and summer frame of mind.
And there are plenty of food vendors, as well as a Four Roses Bourbon Bar--it IS Kentucky, after all.
But I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Twiggy draws the biggest crowd. Just keep her away from the bourbon. No drinking and water skiing.
[SOURCE: WLKY-Louisville]