Everyone ages.  And sooner or later you are going to get sick of this and that and really tired of all the stuff you probably once thought was okay and fun to do. I mean look at this guy.  Imagine how sick of everything this guy is.  He's 101 and still works at Walmart.

Try and think of something that you loved to do as a kid but hate seeing other people do. Does it annoy you?

A list has been compiled of things that aging people see as annoying. I'm so surprised that anything about the Government isn't on here.  Honestly.


1.  Noise.  Especially at restaurants.  I'm only 22 but I don't like sitting in traffic and listening to the car next to me blare its music while I'm trying to hear my own.

2.  Rudeness - Enough Said

3.  How lazy today's teenagers seem to be compared to us, especially considering how EASY they have it.  I'm only a little ways out of my teens but now that life is beginning to hit me I realize how good I actually did have it.  Go Parents!

4.  People spouting uneducated, inflammatory political rhetoric - Um..

5.  Older people who refuse to use basic technology - Margaret's Grandmother still goes with the house phone trick.  Understandable.

6.  The way people gather in a MASS SWARM to get on a plane . . . then take forever getting off a plane - I'm not a big airline rider myself, however this does sound a bit over the edge

7.  A false sense of entitlement - I guess when I was younger I would call it my house instead of my parents house.

8.  Chronic lateness . . . especially without an apology - I've been late to work a few times (deepest apologies to Mooner).

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