This weekend, I had to frost 75 cupcake for my two daughters' birthdays. I knew it was going to take forever so I scoured the internet looking for a way to make it easier. I found a couple of tips and with a little ingenuity, I came up with a method that took a fraction of the time and looked beautiful.

I started with regular frosting - nothing special about it. I then heated it up in a glass bowl in the microwave for 15-30 seconds on defrost. You may need to put in longer depending on how much frosting you use at one time. Heat frosting until it's still thick but a little softer than normal. If you heat it up too much, put in the refrigerator for 3-5 minutes.

Ashley Sollars
Ashley Sollars

Take each cupcake and dip it into the frosting, using a swirl effect to let drippings fall off cleanly. Wait until cooled and redip for a clean, overall appearance.

Ashley Sollars
Ashley Sollars

Make sure you add sprinkles immediately - frosting dries quickly.

Ashley Sollars
Ashley Sollars

That's it!

So, for your next big get-together, save some time and frost your cupcakes upside down!


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