Last night, I was watching a DVRed episode of CSI. Though I usually fast-forward through the commercial breaks, I accidentally let one slip and the M&M "They Do Exist" Christmas commercial came on. It gave me a yucky feeling in the pit of my stomach. That feeling grew when I went through my DVR and deleted my recorded Christmas movies and television specials. It was like Joni Mitchell was singing the sequel of "River" in my head. Christmas and New Years is officially over. The real world has resumed.

I've got to say, though it's my birth month, (and possibly the worst birth month there is) January is a crummy month. Sadness is predicted to peak on the third Monday of each new year because of the bitter-blah weather, failed resolutions and the post-Christmas letdown. I just happen to be a week early. To top it off, I looked at my holiday break schedule and I don't have a vacation day coming up until APRIL. I have to wait four months for a three-day weekend.

What happens after the most wonderful time of the year? All of this yuckiness translates to seasonal depression. I'm not going to give you a bunch of tips on how to combat seasonal depression - you can get that all here. All I am going to say is 'good luck' and spring will be here before we know it. Until then, I'm going to get a spray tan, a massage and maybe even start Christmas shopping for next year. Ha! :)

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