Where To Find Bar-B-Q Fritos in Owensboro
Bar-B-Q Fritos have recently taken on popularity all their own. Did anyone else know they have been discontinued for almost three years now? Well, I found an abundance of them right here in Owensboro.
Okay, first back to the fact they stopped making these delicious little toenail shaped bites of goodness and flavor. I am almost ashamed I didn't know they were gone. However, in my defense, I don't eat a lot of chips. Once I stopped eating meat and sandwiches they became obsolete.
Now that I think of it as a mom of many I buy the boxes of little chips and the only chips that are left behind at our house are the Chili Cheese Fritos. Does anyone really like those? We are fans of the replacement flavor Honey Barbeque Twists.
I noticed Dave Spencer posted a story about finding Bar-B-Q Fritos at the Dollar General and I didn't really understand the big deal but apparently when fans find out where they are they buy them up. I have even had a few listeners personally message me to ask where to get them so I called around Owensboro to find them.
The two places I located in Owensboro are IGA on 25th and Priceless on Scherm Road. Now, I haven't been to IGA but we are big Priceless shoppers and I see them right as you walk towards the produce section on the right side. I called the 25th street location and a store associate confirmed they do in fact carry them.
After all this investigative research I wanted to dig a little further and find out what other chips had been discontinued here's what I found according to eatthis.com;
- Pringles Cinnamon & Sugar Potato Crisps.
- Planters Potato Chips.
- Lay's Wavy Fried Green Tomato Chips.
- Lay's Southern Biscuits & Gravy Chips.
- Lay's Bacon Mac and Cheese Chips.
- Daddy Crisp Chips.
- Guacamole Doritos.
- Pringles Prints.
- Jumpin' Jack Cheese Doritos
- Keebler Munchems
- Wild & Mild Fritos
- Sun Chips Sweet & Spicy BBQ
- Pizzerias

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