Whitesville Native Hijacks His Kids’ Back-to-School Photos
I love seeing all the sweet back-to-school photos of kids in their best outfits, shiny new shoes, and backpacks ready to conquer the world. But, when I ran across Zach's kids' photos in my Facebook newsfeed, I almost spit out my coffee.
Ahh meet my friend Zach Hinton, or more appropriately 'The Most Embarrassing Parent in the World.' He hijacked his kids back-to-school pics wearing camo, crocs, a mullet wig, and a lovely American flag bandanna. 'merica!
Zach has a bit of a critter problem at his house and this is his official “trash panda hunter” get-up. He seized the opportunity to wear it to mortify his kids because in his words, “I try to embarrass them as much as I can!”
As you can see, he was successful... but gosh what great memories and a great way to alleviate the first day jitters.
And just for good measure, here's an installment of Zach Hinton, Trash Panda Hunter...