The Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition would like to invite you to participate the 6th Annual Lifesavers Walk Saturday, September 14th at the Owensboro Health Park.

Registration will begin at 9AM with the walk set to start at 10AM. Participants will leave from and return to the Owensboro Health Park. Jeff Hardesty will provide music at the beginning of the walk which last 1.5 miles.

Registrants can walk in memory of a loved one who died by suicide; for those individuals who are struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide; or to raise awareness of suicide and the need for suicide prevention. Or walkers may just choose to participate to support loved ones affected by suicide.

You may walk as an individual or as a group.

Donations will be accepted for the work of the Owensboro Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition, but there is no fee required to register.

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