Angel Welsh Wins Kathy Hudson’s Kindness Revolution Award
I am going to brag on my cohost today! I am always proud of the way in which Angel tirelessly rolls up her sleeves to serve her community. If you listen to our show, you know how involved Angel is with the radio station and the non-profits we assist. She's always willing to emcee events, run in 5K's, volunteer her time, etc. But I can tell you that she spends countless hours off the radar serving her community as well. Angel routinely takes people in need under her wing. She goes to homeless shelters and cooks for the residents. She "adopts" families and makes sure they get the basic necessities they need. She is truly one of the most selfless people I know. And this selflessness has earned Angel an exciting award.
Kathy Hudson, from Kathy Hudson Insurance Agency, is participating in a nationwide campaign called The Kindness Revolution. The campaign encourages folks to live it, see it, and pay it forward by "bringing beauty to your world and those around you." And, I am excited to share with you that Angel is the most recent recipient of the local Kindness Revolution Award.
Past local recipients include Great Harvest Bread Company, Chick-fil-A, OASIS, 2nd grade Newton Parrish Elementary School teacher Zaletha Brown, David Edge for his work at WKU-Owensboro and more. Angel's in excellent company and deserves her place on the list.