
Being late for work is embarrassing, shameful and down right unacceptable.  I'm one to talk.  My first year working for WOMI, I had a ratio of about 50/50 late to on time.  Not a very proud thing to say, but on a lighter side I have improved drastically.  However on my late days, I can honestly say I have never cooked up some of this malarkey.  I'm a truth teller.    Actually if I used the excuse ---> "My father and I were too mesmerized by the new washer and dryer that I couldn't even think of coming to work...." Nah it wouldn't work.

Here's the top 10

1.  "I woke up on someone else's front lawn, two blocks from my house."


2.  "My cat got stuck in the toilet."


3.  "I got to work, but then fell asleep in my car."


4.  "I put superglue in my eye instead of saline solution, and had to go to the hospital."


5.  "I thought we didn't have to work on Halloween."


6.  "Some rain came through a hole in the roof and got my alarm clock wet, so it didn't go off."


7.  "I was watching something on TV and REALLY wanted to see the end."


8.  "I got a hairbrush stuck in my hair."


9.  "I had a really scary nightmare."

10.  "A zebra was running down the highway and held up traffic."  This one actually ended up being true.

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