Dream of Saying You Went to Harvard? Now, Anyone Can Attend for FREE!
Oh hey, no big deal, but I'm enrolled in a class at Harvard University.
That's right, soon I will be able to say that I'm 'Harvard Educated'. Ask me how much I'm paying...I'm paying nothing! My online class is free, and it is not just for me, anyone can sign up for free classes. Currently, there are 102 online classes enrolling for this program.
Havard University Free - What's the Catch?
No really, you can learn about all kinds of interesting subjects. Some of them are helpful for business owners, technology, nonprofits, and working remotely. The classes are free, but for less than $200 you will receive a verified certificate that you can hang in your office. Otherwise, how will anyone even know that you went to Harvard - Duh! Overachievers will also have access to extra assignments. Wait, there's homework?
Harvard Certificate $139
According to Harvard University, if you spend $139 you are more likely to be more engaged in the class and more motivated to complete the course. This is kind of obvious. Who has money to just throw away and have nothing to show for it?
What is Free?
The catch (If you consider it one) is with free classes, it is not graded. The materials are only available for a certain period of time. So, there's no chance of failing?
Oops...I enrolled in a Class - Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases
I've been dealing with some pretty gnarly pain in my shoulder, and the cost of physical therapy is kind of insane. When I saw the word orthopedic in the description I figured that this class might help me fix my shoulder. In the class description, it says that you actually get to go through the process of diagnosing different injuries.
- Fundamentals of musculoskeletal anatomy
- Basics concepts and procedures of radiology
- Anatomical structures related to five common injuries
Now, if I complete this course, I will for sure try to work in the fancy words in every conversation! See the complete list of free online Harvard classes HERE.
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