Chip Sandalwood

Patriotic American Movies: 10 Films That Honor the USA
For all the industries that have been shipped overseas, America is still the entertainment capital of the world. And what better way to celebrate our great nation than with its greatest exports?
In honor of July 4th, here are 10 patriotic classics that are sure to turn the silver screen red, white and blue.

Deep-Fried Butter on a Stick a Reality
When it comes to food at the state fair, there’s one abiding rule that all vendors must adhere to: If you fry it, they will come. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Iowa State Fair’s life size butter cow, Larry Fyfe is offering up a fitting fair treat treat — deep fried butter on a stick.

World’s Largest Photograph on Display in California
Displaying the world’s largest photograph presents a number of unique challenges for a museum, chief among them being where to put a photo that’s three stories tall and 11 stories wide. Created by a collective of six artists known as The Legacy Project and currently on display at California’s UCR Sweeney Art Gallery, ‘The Great Picture’ is not only the largest photograph ever printed, but it wa

Most Outrageous Ice Cream Flavors – 5 Unique Dishes for Summer
As creativity goes, ice cream can be pretty vanilla. But what happens when a daring few decide to stray from convention and offer up some truly unique flavors? People take notice, that's what happens. If you're feeling daring this summer, here are five crazy flavors you can try throughout the USA.

Patriotic American Movies – 10 Films That Honor the USA
For all the industries that have been shipped overseas, America is still the entertainment capital of the world. And what better way to celebrate our great nation than with one of its greatest exports?In honor of the Fourth of July, here are 10 patriotic classics that are sure to turn the silver screen red, white and blue...
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