Brother Yun Speaking at Bellevue Baptist Church March 29th (Shaped by Faith)
I had the honor of interviewing, Pastor Al Young. He works with Back to Jerusalem, a Christian organization that serves the underground Church in China. He explains what Back to Jerusalem is all about and the importance of knowing what is going on between the wall of China to the western wall of Jerusalem.
Back to Jerusalem is the goal of the Chinese church to evangelize the unreached peoples from eastern provinces of China, westwards towards Jerusalem. The vision was birthed among the Chinese in the 1920s, and since that time, the churches of China have strove and even suffered persecution to fulfill what they believe is their integral role in fulfilling the Great Commission. This organization partners with the church of China to not only evangelize the religiously oppressed areas of Asia, but to also train and send Chinese missionaries into the unreached regions of the globe, including Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu nations.
Pastor Al announced that Brother Yun, one of China's house leaders and one of the founders of back to Jerusalem will be speaking this Month at Bellevue Baptist Church. Brother Yun is known as the "Heavenly Man," the name of one of his books.
Brother Yun has spoken to millions with the gospel message. He is an exiled Chinese Christian house church leader and evangelist, and was instrumental in the development of the Christian house church networks in China during the 1980’s and 1990’s. In his 23 years of ministering in China, Brother Yun was arrested and sent to prison three different times. He spent a total of seven years in prison for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Come and see how God is moving in China and around the world. Join us for an opportunity that will both challenge and encourage your faith.
Brother Yun will speak at Bellevue Baptist Church (4950 State Route 56) in Owensboro, KY on March 29th, during the 9:15 am and 10:45 am services.