CDC: Kentucky Among Nine States Experiencing “High” Flu Activity
About a month ago, I got really sick (rare for me) and decided to go to an immediate care facility.
I was running a pretty decent fever and had had a terrible morning. I hadn't had the flu in more than a quarter century and was very worried that that was what was coming on.
Fortunately, as it turns out, I was suffering from a garden-variety virus, for which they do not prescribe antibiotics. They don't do any good against viruses. And it played out pretty quickly.
But there were a lot of people in that waiting room, and after my visit, I began to hear that doctors' offices and urgent cares were filling up.
Yes, another delightful flu season was upon us. And IS upon us.
And the Centers for Disease Control are not taking the 2019 season lightly at all. (I don't imagine they EVER do, but you know what I'm saying.)
A CNN report says the CDC has singled out nine states--including Kentucky--that are experiencing "high" flu activity.
That's up from TWO the previous week.
Not an insignificant jump.
So, if you know something that absolutely works for you and its utilization has helped you keep the flu at bay in the past, maybe ratchet it up a notch or two in 2019.
Let's all do whatever we can keep ourselves and each other healthy.