Celebrating Angel’s Daughter Kathern, Who Would Be 14 Today
Today my darling baby, Kathern, would have been 14 years old. I always love celebrating her special day even if she isn't here to enjoy it with us.
Each year it comes without fail. My little girl's birthday. We always have cake, and talk about how sweet she was. I often find myself wondering what kind of cake she would have wanted or if she would have wanted cupcakes instead! It breaks my heart that I never had the opportunity to learn these things but I am so blessed that God gifted her to me for the short time he did.
I play memories of our times together over and over in my head because there were not many. The day I went into labor I remember I was in a staff meeting at the Owensboro Parks & Recreation Office and couldn't sit still. After the meeting my boss, Cyndi Sturgeon, told me I should go to the doctor and make sure everything was alright. I went and sure enough my doctor told me to leave his office and head straight to the hospital. My water was about to break. Being the hard headed person I am I drove back to work and told them I wouldn't be back because Kathern was coming. They all panicked and told me to get my butt to the hospital! It still makes me laugh. My girl came 6-weeks early.
She was perfection. Dark brown wavy hair, gorgeous tanned skin, deep dark blue eyes, and a heart only for her momma. I was smitten from the first time I saw her.
Her time for this earth was not long. We got to keep her a one month and 26 days to be exact. On Wednesday, July 7, 2004, she was called home to the Lord.
The time I spent with Kathern was full of snuggles, and songs, sleepless nights, endless gazing at her sweet face, and love that I tuck deep into my heart. So many people tell me how sorry they are for my loss but God never had to give her to me at all. Many women never get the opportunity to experience motherhood. I was given love, memories, and so much more that I am grateful for.
Parenting is not easy. I love reading social media posts from others about their teens and I think to myself if Kathern were here I would have a house full of teenagers. I laugh at the chaos there would be and the stories I would have for the show!
It honestly never gets any easier. It just becomes tolerable. I miss her as if she just left this earth. The pain is still so ever present but the amazing memories fair out weigh the hurt.
I know one day we will be together again. The wait is hard but the journey with loved ones makes it a bit easier.
Today join me in celebrating the life of my precious Kathern Elizabeth Freels. Although short it made a tremendous impact on many.
Hug your babies, your teenagers, your adult children and let them know just how much they are loved. They are never too old to hear it!
As always Thank you all so much for allowing me to share my family with you!