I love traditional Thanksgiving foods.  Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, dumplings.  In fact, my mother and aunt share a dumpling recipe that is utterly ridiculous and I look forward to eating it every year.  Dough + salt + chicken= happiness, high cholesterol and about five miles on the treadmill.  But my absolute FAVORITE Thanksgiving food is Sweet Potato Casserole.  It is one part side order and one part dessert.  It is to food what the Snuggie is to the coach potato.  Pure, unadulterated warmth, comfort, bliss (and sugar)!  If I could find a way to puree this stuff and run it straight into my veins I would.  There are lots of recipes for it floating around (including Reba McEntire's), but here is my absolute favorite . . .


3 cups sweet potatoes (or 1 large can)

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup real butter (melted)

1/2 cup Pet milk

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

1tsp cinammon

Mix all ingredients together and spoon into long baking dish.  Then prepare the topping!


1 cup brown sugar

1/3 cup flour

1 cup pecans

1/3 cup real butter (melted)

Mix together and sprinkle on top of the sweet potato casserole.  Pop in the oven at 350 degrees and bake until golden brown.  Then prepare to gain 5 pounds because you will want to eat the ENTIRE thing.  It is HEAVEN!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!  I hope you enjoy the day giving thanks and stuffing your faces.  I have some dressing dripping off my chin and some sweet potato casserole stuck in my teeth as we speak!

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